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This website is dedicated to the free publication of a philosophical enquiry concerning ontology and epistemology.
A work initially written over a decade past is being systematically rewritten by the author in hopes of improved clarity and cohesion of arguments. The completed rewrite is anticipated to be approximately 450,000 words (roughly, 1,500 pages), and will likely take well over a decade to produce. Until the rewrite’s completion and release in paperback form, first drafts of revised chapters will be uploaded onto this site, making them freely available to anyone who might be interested.
All contents of this website are offered as public domain under the CC-0 license. The reader—just as much as the author—thereby has the right to reproduce and modify the contents uploaded onto this website in any way the reader sees fit.
Uploaded revisions will be denoted with a bullet (•) in the table of contents. Sections not yet uploaded are provisionally listed for reference and are subject to substantial change.
If you have criticisms of what's been uploaded and would like to share these with the author, if you have questions, or if you would otherwise like to be informed of newly uploaded chapters via email, please contact me—Michael W Moiceanu, the author of this work—at
Due to time constraints and the increased ease of administration, for the time being this MediaWiki-based website is closed to public modification.
— Update (December 3, 2024):
Chapter 15: A Basic Anatomy of the Total First-Person Self has now been posted.
So that it is known, it is possible that in the months which follow I might find myself in need of tweaking the chapter's contents for the purposes of properly falsifying what is otherwise considered to be an unfalsifiable hypothesis: that of metaphysical solipsism. I however don't currently foresee the need to do so. That mentioned, in not wanting to overly postpone the release of chapters, I've decided to upload Chapter 15 onto the website prior to finalizing Part 4 in total.
An Enquiry into the Nature of Being
Michael W Moiceanu (MWMoiceanu)
• Preface
Volume One: Certainty, Awareness, Will, Mind, and Selfhood
• Part I: Foundational Principles
• Chapter 1: Demarcating Certainty, Uncertainty, and Doubt
• Chapter 2: The Cohort of All Those Concerned
• Chapter 3: Validating the Law of Non-contradiction
• Part 2: First-Person Awareness
• Chapter 4: The Reality of the Eidem
• Chapter 5: Our Four Modes of Awareness
• Chapter 6: Our Three Strata of Awareness as Eidems
• Chapter 7: Demarcating Consciousness
• Part 3: Causation, Volition, and its Determinants
• Chapter 8: Concerning Determinacy
• Chapter 9: Three Metaphysical Classifications for Causes
• Chapter 10: The Reality of a Causally Semideterminate World
• Chapter 11: Validating Our Free Will
• Chapter 12: Basic Determinants of Volition, Part I—Intentions
• Chapter 13: Basic Determinants of Volition, Part II—The Prototelos
• Chapter 14: Basic Determinants of Volition, Part III—Teleions
Part 4: Negating the Possibility of Metaphysical Solipsism
• Chapter 15: A Basic Anatomy of the Total First-Person Self
Chapter: An Eidem’s Discernment of its Body
Chapter: The Impossibility of Being the Sole Self in Existence
Part 5: Mind
Chapter: An Eidem-Inclusive Bundle Theory of Mind
Chapter: Enactive, Inherent, and Disjoined Volitions
Chapter: The Prototelos and Choice Making
Chapter: Concerning Thought
Chapter: Concerning Memory
Chapter: Concerning Forethought
Chapter: Concerning Expectations
Chapter: Selfhood Revisited
Chapter: Self-Awareness Revisited
Chapter: The Anima and Animus Revisited
Chapter: Happiness and Suffering Revisited
Volume Two: Formations, Objectivity, Compatibilism, Truth, and Value
Part 8: Formational Determinacy
Chapter: Formational Interdeterminacy
Chapter: Four Jointly Exhaustive Formation Possibilities
Chapter: Of Relations between Body and Mind
Part 9: Deriving the Metaphysics of Objectivity
Chapter: Concurrences of Eidems
Chapter: Four Jointly Exhaustive Types of Reality
Chapter: Concerning the Two Types of Objective Reality
Chapter: Retroactive Compatibilism
Chapter: Progressive Uniformitarianism
Chapter: Concerning the Supernatural
Part 10: Concerning Truth and Belief
Chapter: Four Truth Types
Chapter: Of Trust and Belief
Chapter: Enactive, Learned, and Innate Trust
Part 11: Value Theory
Chapter: The Identity Preservation Drive
Chapter: Deriving What Should be from that Euteleion which Is
Chapter: The Apeiroson
Chapter: The Turannon
Chapter: The Permanon
Chapter: The Nihilon
Chapter: The Dysteleion
Chapter: Compound Teloi and Teloi Concessions
Chapter: Competition between Teloi
Volume Three: Reasoning, Epistemology, Spacetime, Aesthetics, and Science
Part 12: Reasoning
Chapter: Logical Identity, Noncontradiction, and the Excluded Middle
Chapter: Of Form and Causal Information
Chapter: Of Reasoning and Justification
Chapter: Of Pre-Socratic Logos and the Notion of Karma
Chapter: Abductions, Inductions, and Deductions
Chapter: Of Numbers and Mathematics
Part 13: Epistemology
Chapter: Justification
Chapter: Knowledge
Chapter: Understanding
Part 14: Spacetime
Chapter: The Intrareal Present Moment
Chapter: The Equireal Present Moment
Chapter: Intra-, Inter-, and Equi-syncretic Spacetime
Part 15: Aesthetics
Chapter: Biological Fairness
Chapter: Psychological Fairness
Chapter: Conceptual Fairness
Part 16: Science
Chapter: The Scientific Method
Chapter: Natural Selection
Chapter: On the Emergence of Life from Nonlife
Chapter: Concerning the Beginning and End of the Universe